
Monday, September 26, 2011

Interior Semiotics and 4chan

I think this is kinda classic, where contemporary art kids are totally into 4chan and the internet aesthetics and the culture it generates, and I guess tries to feed off its subcultural cache and assert their edgy, avant-garde pedigree when the actual subject of their attention hates it's guts and sees contemporary art as synonymous with hipster fags and are actively resisting this co-option by 'high'-culture.


1 comment:

  1. I don't know, but somewhere in the back of my mind I always aligned the group 'anonymous' who spearheaded the DOS attacks on wikileaks behalf and emerged out of 4chan message boards with the subversive, radical, political element of contemporary art in some way. The fact that there is a huge ideological opposition between what I might regard as the most organic and dangerous aspect of the internet (namely the 4chan subculture) and artists is somewhat surprising. SO when artists make websites that look like this [] or [] to position themselves as being 'of' this culture, the Interior Semiotics thing seems to suggest that they're capitalizing 'on' it. Is it true that Treycartin videos are really popular on internet message boards?
